Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blame it on the. . . .Alcohol?

NO. blame it on yourself, for throwing too many shots back just so you can do some ridiculous things you wouldnt dare do if you were sober. lmao.

It's clearly thursday, and if not like any school, Hampton is definitely known for their "thirsty thursdays". It's the day that most students are done with classes and they want to start unofficial 4 day weekend. So like any other thursday morning I go to my 8 am class log onto facebook to check my messages and their in my mini-feed someone status has already said "Feeling thirsty. . .what's poppin tonite?". . .[pause] wait a damn minute. . .it has only been a few hours since the sun has risen and people are already parched for alcohol. But why?
So i will admit that I like to have my drink or two. . .but to wakeup wanting to throw back some jose cuervo is not what's on my mind first thing in the morning.

As an observer all my life, and especially in college, I've watched countless of times girls get dressed to either WALK or park their cars in the harbors to go to someone's kitchen, get drunk or what they call pregame, shake they ass a lil in the living room, yell out on the balcony, then pass out by 11 pm. They are obviously too drunk to go to a party, let alone drive anywhere, and are more then likely vulnerable and in some cases now need ATTENTION. The only problem I see with this scenerio is it happens from thursday until sunday.

Freshman year is for trial and error but I feel like if your transcript gives you enough credits be an upperclassmen, you should NOT be repeating what u did freshman year or doing what u never got a chance to do sophomore year cause your parents finally let you drive the whip down. And ladies if you are 21? why do we still have houseparties? Maybe it's just me, well i think it is just me, but when I turn 21 (May 18th for all u suckas) I will be going to the club, preferbaly Los Vegas, getting myself a drink, putting on my grown and sexy..and being GROWN I will invite my closest friends to party with me at a venue that doesnt look like a CRACKHOUSE. Fortunately my birthday does not hit during the school year so I will not have to succomb to the foolery that happends at Hampton University when its your birthday. But I seem to be running on a tangent. . .

So from thursday to Sunday insecure girls running around the city up hampton, burning up gas, party hopping, just to be seen, drunk. I honestly can name a handful of young ladies that venture across the bridge to meet new people and guys and try out the latest lounges and clubs. It's okay to get a few drinks there. . .but when you run ur mileage up cruising mercury blvd. to look at the same people you've seen during the week. . it gets pretty dry, then you start looking DRY too. lmao (i crack myself up)

I've met alot of people my junior year because I was able to venture out to different schools and I really do encourage girls to leave Hampton some weekends because you can really be missing out on something or even someone. Hampton lacks many things and a social life is one of them

So anyways, what I'm trying to say is if you wake up thursday morning feeling thirsty. . .just drink some WATER!!!

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