Friday, February 20, 2009

You can now find Friends at 7-11

I woke up thinking about my friends. . .well I lied God came first but after I thanked him for another day Friendship came to mind. Over the years, since high school I've been surrounded with friends but there are only a handful of them that I really call my friend. Have you ever found yourself receiving texts or random phone calls from friends that you hardly talk to? I call those convenient friends.

What is a convenient friend to me? I would have to say the ones that honestly know NOTHING about your life and aren't really interested because when they call, text, or see you they will not ask about you just about themselves. I am a very nice person and if you meet me I can be very likable so I will never turn down a person who wants to be my friend, but If I'm not too fond of you I will keep my distance in a nice manner. I do not call people randomly asking things for myself, or where a party is at if I haven't talked to you in awhile. I find that kind of rude. . .I've met alot of people in my life from all over the world and I know everyone lives busy and separate lives, but just like my mom has always told me. . There is always room for your friends.

I remember when I was a freshman in high school. . .I used to have this big clique that I would be with everyday but if you noticed girls do not get along in large numbers of 3 or more. Jealousy arose and I found myself stuck in the middle of two groups of girls fighting for my friendship. It really became a big mess and one of the girls even had me choose between her friendship and that other girl. I couldn't believe that I was going through this. . . and i also couldn't believe them hoes were fighting over me. I ended up ignoring everyone lol. . .I joined the track team and found my passion. My personality attracts people and never wants them to leave because for the rest of high school I had convenient friends. I left high school with three really good friends who were interested in my life and not a competition.

So anyways, last semester there was a big seminar with HILL HARPER that not enough people went to and he spit some serious knowledge in my head about friendship. He told us that a friend is someone who calls and asks how you are, how's your life, listens, is your real friend. But a friend who calls you because they had something on their mind (which really isnt you) is a convienant friend. That really stuck with me because it's alot of people that I speak to but I don't really know anything about them. . .

I am not perfect, I make mistakes, but I never forget a friend that has truely listened to me, and cares about my well being... and I want to value true friendship so my goal for myself is to become a better friend. . .and leave the convienant ones at 7-11

1 comment:

  1. who are you talkin about meesa, haha why am i hella nosey.
