Monday, March 16, 2009

I've been having writers block and went on spring vacation and almost forgot I had a blog. LoL

I was scrolling thru facebook while sitting in my African American Lit class when I came across one of my guys friends statuses. it read:

"Thowing up my heartbreaker towel and jumping back out into the sea"

Instead of commenting for all of facebook to see I text him personally how he was feeling ya kno? His response was "Dont analyze it". Well first thing I thought is you obviously just made yourself available to the facebook community that you want a girlfriend and that you had ur feelings hurt in the past. How is any chick not going to analyze it? Before all you single ladies get excited and search ur facebook statuses take caution because I do not believe these boys out here know what they're talking about. For all we know he could be throwing his pimp towel

These past few days have been interesting. but I will save it more blog post topics.

The queen has spoken, or shall i say whispered lol

1 comment:

  1. pimp towel hahaha. honestly.......i think the State of the Black Woman's forum said it best.......there are some boys here and some men.
    not to down the males...but some need time to grow. i think as women we have to realize that- and leave them alone romantically.

    oh excuse me: "don't analyze it"
